Copyright 2010
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Friday, January 1, 2010

This is my journey and my decisions. No one can make certain decisions about our bodies, save ourselves.  I do believe in consulting the medical community and utilizing the help of the medical community when necessary, but final decisions are mine alone to make.  I adore my OBGYN, he helped me tremendously, not taking into consideration that he was the one that had to do surgery on my girl parts!  He was a great help and we both learned much together.

I was on traditional medicine and several pain killers, but am now completely off. I think I've taken 2-3 advil in the past 9 months for a headache caused by my classes/computer work. (I used to take that much every 2 hours for pain!)  My menstrual cycle is very regular - like clockwork, every 27 days. If it weren't for me keeping a detailed journal of my cycle, I wouldn't even know that I'm getting my period (my family never knows unless I tell them) - no more PMS, extremely infrequent and mild bloating and only a slight headache at the onset of bleeding (it's usually a 10-15 min. headache that is more like a mild pressure than a headache) and end of my cycle (which is also more of a mild head pressure than a headache and also lasts less than 15 min.) due to the change in the hormones.

The things that I've found work best for me -- and that my OBGYN says are helping make my endo tissues 'dissolve' are:

~Progesterone cream (found in Dr. Lee's books) I suggest reading any and all of the books by Dr. John R. Lee.  He is now deceased, but two of the women that he worked with are still promoting his research and practices. His books are the What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About... Menopause, Premenopause, Breast Cancer, etc.  He has lots of books. All great information.  I believe that if you have never used a progesterone cream that Dr. is the best place to start.  Other progesterone creams I've used are from Arbonne Essentials - Prolief and another from Life-flo - Progesta Care.  The first progesterone cream I used, way back when, was Fair Lady Moisturizing Body Cream.  I can't find a link to it anymore. However, the website has some helpful links to educate you further on making your personal decisions.  Personally, I've only used Arbonne for one cycle, so I'm still deciding how much I like that brand.  I really liked the Life-flo brand, but I was using it for so long, I wondered if I needed a change.  My OBGYN laughed and told me "If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Leave your system alone if things are working fine!"
~MYOMIN - a natural supplement found thru Energetic Nutrition;

~Staying away from soy anything. We have too much soy in our diets and not enough good soy.

~Reading up on Dr. Wong's website - Dr. Wong is adamant and very clearly explains why (so much soy) soy is detrimental to our bodies and what it does. I found out that Dr. Wong also believed in Dr. Lee - which I didn't know until AFTER I was studying the two men.

~I also found a systemic enzyme thru Dr. Wong that helps to eat away at the endo tissue. This isn't necessary for everyone, just women that KNOW they have excess end/scar tissues on their organs.  For instance, a young lady probably wouldn't need the enzyme because her body produces enough enzymes already.  As we age, our body produces fewer and fewer of these enzymes. Dr. Wong explains it much better.

~Fasting. Just this past year (2010), I've read up on fasting. As controversial as fasting is, I decided to give it a try. The endo sufferers that I read about fasted for great lengths of time to rid their body of endo tissues. Now, I don't have the determination to fast for a great length of time (40+ days, etc.), but I do complete mini fasts regularly. I don't know if it will work with my endo, but it does work with my blood pressure - which was elevated due to the vast amounts of endo tissues on my organs. I don't recommend fasting - I'm just telling what I've done.

I was skeptical too - and so was my OBGYN, but after all this time of utilizing the above sources/supplements my OBGYN says that he sees 'chartable' improvement. The ultrasound measurements don't lie!!!  I have been studying this since 2005. I'm far from an expert, but I'm a great cheerleader!! I want to encourage women to take control of their reproductive health. You CAN live without terrible, debilitating monthly pain!

My endo was so bad that they used me as a medical journal example. Not a single organ could be identified during open abdominal surgery. He couldn't slide his hands around a single organ. He could barely find my ovaries and took out almost 2 liters of fluid/gunk that was contained in two massive cysts. He saved my ovaries, but I can't have anymore children - at least I have my own hormones though. But, there is nothing more surgery can do for the rest of my organs - I had tissue all the up to my lower lung cavity and all the way down to my rectum. Part of my rectum is 'fused' to my muscle tissue down there; my upper colon is fused to the muscle wall; the descending colon is fused to the muscle wall; the sciatic nerve has tissue on it - it's everywhere. Afterwards he told me to never get an abdominal injury because the medical staff wouldn't be able to get to the organ(s) thru the tissues without probably damaging an organ. He said I would need a specialist.

Anyway, my point is - after all this time, my OB still is impressed with the natural stuff and tells me that he does tell his patients that there are natural ways to help with endo.
He has also confirmed what other natural believers have told me: Going on the pill does not CURE endo.

It is a bandaid.

Birth control pills are hormones.

Adding extra hormones, specifically estrogen, messes with endo.

Endo feeds on estrogen.

So, one could say that by going on a birth control pill - one is putting MORE estrogen into one's system.  This extra estrogen feeds the endo. The endo then grows inside the abdominal cavity on the organs.  In many cases, the endo tissues grow on the reproductive organs, thus creating an environment of infertility.  Infertile because the egss cannot get out. The tubes are no longer smooth for the egg to move.  The tubes become damaged - diseased, if you please. Thus, endometriosis is now a classified disease.

I just want every woman out there to know that we can make our bodies better!  I want you to know that I know your pain and I only want to help make every endo sufferer to feel good again.  I feel I have to share this information because of infertility issues. If I can plant a seed of information in a woman and she makes the right decisions with regards to her fertility....

In Europe these same natural practices are utilized and the doctors over there encourage them along side their medical advice. Endometriosis is a classified disease in Europe and women are treated with the best bedside manners. Employers are empathetic to the working woman that has to miss work due to endometriosis.  Since this isn't Europe, we have to take matters into our own hands!!! It's YOUR body! You only get one, don't clog it up with chemicals. Given the right 'fuel' our bodies CAN heal themselves. Your monthly cycle does NOT have to be painful, just noticable.

To your health!