What a title, eh? Nice and long.
Yesterday, my doctor told me I have cervical cancer. He said, "We caught it early." So that's a good thing. I go in Nov. 13th for my procedure. He said, "It's all in one spot." He thinks he can get it all without any trouble. I have nothing to complain about.
I was going to whine a little - about the things going on with my body. Endometriosis - infertility. Celiacs - no gluten. Nerve damage in my spine - very specific points of pain. I don't believe I have fibromyalgia at all, since the symptoms of fibro mimic the symptoms from gluten damage. Also, I don't believe I have MS, although I do have to undergo that spinal test later. But, I don't believe I have MS because the smptoms of my nerve damage in my spine mimics MS symptoms. I was going to. I was going to type out my little pity party. I changed my mind.
My mind was changed because a classmate of mine just had a complete hysterectomy after having both breasts removed. She's had 8 surgeries this year.
I was going to vent and ask the void, "Just how much can one body or person live through? How much can a person live with? How much can we endure?"
Apparently, a body can endure a lot. I don't have lots.
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Please let me know how your journey with endometriosis is proceeding. I'd love to hear from you!