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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Waiting on Results

Waiting on the results of my colonoscopy. 
**Warning** Just a bit of swearing going on in the post that follows. If the f-bomb offends you, then read no further. Disclaimer complete.

I guess there was a SMALL polyp and tissues taken - along with biopsy stuff.

I'm still not 'right'. I still have pain in the SAME SPOT!!! I can't wait to ask the doc how far she got and if she found anything near to where I said I was hurting.

I seem to recall her telling me she had nothing specific - that it was probably a gluten issue or hormones.  I remember thinking, "Hormones shouldn't make one spot all the time - day after day!" and I was a bit ticked that I just spent all the time, money, vacation pay and toilet paper - for someone to tell me, "Maybe it's hormonal."

What the fuck is that bullshit?!! I know it isn't hormonal! For crap-ass sake! Who the fuck hurts every day in the same fuckin' spot; day in and day out; sometimes all day?????!!!! ... due to hormones?

Whatever.  I like that doctor. She's nice. However, that's a fuckin' "I-don't-know-what-is-wrong-with-you" answer. So, if the biopsies come back with nothing wrong, once again, it's time to take my health into my own hands! WTF do we have docs for, if they can't even guide us into the right direction and we have to figure it out on our own anyway?

I know. There are times when doctors are AMAZING and we DO need them. I know that they are only human and we do not come with zippers in our abdomen. I just wish it wasn't so FUCKING EXPENSIVE to receive a, "Sorry, I can't help you." bullshit answer.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Bottoms Up!

It's 3:00 p.m. on 10-03-12, and it's time to start my "preparation" for my colonoscopy tomorrow.  I've just taken the 3, 5mg. bisacodyl tablets. I'm to take another 3 at 5 pm and then start drinking the Mirilax every 15 min. after that.  Hmmm...

I already feel like I have to use the facility...

If at any point this becomes too much information, well... too bad. It's my blog and I want to document it every step of the way. I'm hoping to NEVER have to do this again.

Time to go make some chicken broth. Actually, I'm so used to fasting and not eating solids that I'm really not hungry.

Okay, so it's now 7:22 p.m. and my girlie friend, Tracy, is here. She's making the b-day cake for tomorrow. I wanted her here to keep track of the cake because I thought I'd be running to pee out of my butt every 5 min. I wasn't far from wrong!! LOL

I'm ALMOST done drinking the 'stuff' and my poop - is really like pee - and it looks just like when I drank it. OMGAWWWWD!!! Tracy says, "You could bottle it and drink it again!" ROFLOL ewwww!!

So, the drink itself isn't awful. I thought it was gonna be awful. However, I mixed the stuff with coconut water and a bit of apple juice - I didn't use gator-aide... I hate gator-aide!

I have to stop here and go pee out my butt some more...

****It is now 8p.m.'ish. I think I've been pretty 'cleaned' out since the last time I wrote.  That wasn't as bad as I thought. The last few swallows of stuff took some mind power to get down.


7:45 a.m. - Thursday morning 10-04-12.  I pee'd out my butt one more time. Not much in there. Weight was 172.6#!!! AWESOME!

It's now 3:22 p.m. on 10-04-12 -
I'm home from the hospital.  Dr. took out a few things and did some random biopsies. I should know those results in the next few business days.

I  had a panic attack upon arrival at the hospital, but then focused on the paperwork.

They hooked me up to an IV and that was done in 45min.
They then hooked me up to a second IV and about half-way through it was my turn in the surgery room.

Fortunately, a classmate of mine was one of the surgical techs. She was very kind to me in school and was just as kind to me today. I started to cry again and I admitted that I was really scared.  They gave me a little more 'sleepy' meds to help calm me down to to lower my blood pressure. Tricia wiped away my tears, got me a warmer blanket and just kept rubbing my back. She was very caring. It was great.

I slept most thru most of the procedure. I did feel some slight cramping when, I'm assuming, she was removing polyps. She did tell me, "Ok, Tyra, you are going to feel some slight cramping now." I told her it really wasn't too bad and I was fine. I also felt them remove whatever it was that was in my tushy. I remember it feeling like I was pooping and mentally panicked a second! I thought, OMG! I'm pooping! However, I quickly realized that they were removing the scope.

Then they took me back to my room and I promptly fell asleep for over 2 hours.  I remember Matt coming in the room and the nurse peeking in, but then I was out for a good nap.

When my nurse, Darlene, tried to wake me so I could try sitting up and eating, I felt all woozy. I sipped some of my water with ICS in it.  That wasn't enough for her - about an  hour later she made me get up, go potty and drink some more. I even ate the applesauce they gave me, but not the Jell-o, nor the dry cereal. I wasn't sure if the cereal was g-free, although she said she did ask for g-free cereal. I still skipped it.

So, my  head finally cleared enough to be allowed  home.  Now that I'm home, I'm going to go lie down again and watch the movie, "The Goonies" then "You've Got Mail" then "The Holiday".

All-in-all, it wasn't bad. I don't have to do it again until I'm at least 50 years old. That will only be if I'm having any problems. I even got a pic of my insides!

10-05-12 - Friday - The Day AFTER

After all the IV fluid they gave me, my weight went back up to 175# - stupid water weight.

I had a bit of diarrhea this morning, but now my poop seems to be normal. Soft, but normal.

The one spot that I was worried about hurt again this morning. I have to ask Doc how far she got and where she was when she removed 'parts'. Nothing else hurts.  The only thing going on with me is that I'm groggy.

It's 6:09 p.m. Felt a bit nauseous today, actually, for most of the day.

I'm not very hungry, but I decided to eat a baked potato anyway.  This morning, I ate the topping off of the pizza we ordered for hubby's birthday treat.

I have not drank enough today. Honestly, I don't think I drank anymore than 1 cup of fluids today!

I'm making chicken stock, turkey stock, extra baked potatoes, a baked chicken with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and a few beets. I have to work tomorrow, so I have lots of cooking to get done today.  I also want to make some Rice Crispy treats and a white chocolate Chex Mix with peanuts, cinnamon chips, coconut flakes and dried cranberries.