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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Waiting on Results

Waiting on the results of my colonoscopy. 
**Warning** Just a bit of swearing going on in the post that follows. If the f-bomb offends you, then read no further. Disclaimer complete.

I guess there was a SMALL polyp and tissues taken - along with biopsy stuff.

I'm still not 'right'. I still have pain in the SAME SPOT!!! I can't wait to ask the doc how far she got and if she found anything near to where I said I was hurting.

I seem to recall her telling me she had nothing specific - that it was probably a gluten issue or hormones.  I remember thinking, "Hormones shouldn't make one spot all the time - day after day!" and I was a bit ticked that I just spent all the time, money, vacation pay and toilet paper - for someone to tell me, "Maybe it's hormonal."

What the fuck is that bullshit?!! I know it isn't hormonal! For crap-ass sake! Who the fuck hurts every day in the same fuckin' spot; day in and day out; sometimes all day?????!!!! ... due to hormones?

Whatever.  I like that doctor. She's nice. However, that's a fuckin' "I-don't-know-what-is-wrong-with-you" answer. So, if the biopsies come back with nothing wrong, once again, it's time to take my health into my own hands! WTF do we have docs for, if they can't even guide us into the right direction and we have to figure it out on our own anyway?

I know. There are times when doctors are AMAZING and we DO need them. I know that they are only human and we do not come with zippers in our abdomen. I just wish it wasn't so FUCKING EXPENSIVE to receive a, "Sorry, I can't help you." bullshit answer.

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