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Monday, August 20, 2012

What I Eat Can Hurt Me...

Saturday we went to a Billy Graham music festival. Lots of great music - Skillet, The Afters, Lacey from Flyleaf and many others were there. We took a cooler for food on the way there and back - to eat in the car.  This is where my post title comes into play...

There are many g-free items that I can eat, some are alright to even eat cold.  But, I didn't have anything substantial to take along.  Sure, there are items like eggs, cold meats, certain corn based snacks, V-8 juice, fruits, veggies, etc., but I didn't want to eat cold eggs and ham all day and I'm allergic to most raw fruits and veggies.  So, I ate before I left and took g-free snacks and then ham sammies for the rest of the car full.  By the end of the day I was good and hungry - the food at the festival wasn't really g-free friendly and the lemon aide was $4.00/ea. 

I ended up eating a regular ham sammy.  Then the rest of our caravan went to McD's.... I was so hungry - I ate part of a Big Mac and some of my hubby's Cola... praying the whole time it wouldn't hurt for the next three days. I just got over a 9-day flare up. I really didn't want to go thru that again.  But, I ate the food I knew would hurt me anyway.  It was about this time when I wished for the days when I could make myself throw-up. Mentally, I felt so awful for putting that gluten back into my system - all I could think of was ways to make myself puke.  I didn't succeed and it all stayed in my stomach.  However, as soon as we got home I took everything I had in the cupboard and fridge to try to combat the pain I was expecting to hit me the next morning.

That worked out, albeit, slightly. I didn't have the pain, but every other problem was there. I'm okay with that. I'm trying so hard to get my intestines to heal and I know it can take months and months to do that, so I was totally kicking myself for eating the sandwich and McD's, but I was HUNGRY!  I can be so dumb...

So, today, I'm going to just take it easy on my intestines and ingest only liquids - chicken stock, colloidal silver, aloe vera juice, coconut water, kefir and water.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Doctor Visit

My poor body has just been through the wringer lately. I went back into the doc's office because I thought an infection I had a few weeks ago was either back or not completely gone.

Long story short, it's a brand-new infection!

More meds.

Then another yeast infection from the antibiotics.

So, more meds to counteract that side-effect.

Then, a different pain med, because the antibiotic will do something funky to my body that will make it so my regular pain med WON'T work.

Three scripts in one day! That's a record for me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Needed My Walker...

I was in the middle of a 5 day flare-up when I could no longer get to a standing position from a sitting position.  When I could get upright, my knees gave out and I tumbled onto the futon. FUCK!

Time to get out my walker. I only needed it, at first, for the one evening, but then I needed it again two days later.  The only thing I don't like about it is that it has wheels and sometimes goes faster than I do! I feel like it will ZOOOOM out in front of me.  Here's a pic I found on the net, but mine is all black:


I used to borrow one from my Gramma - I liked that one better. I may have to find one like it, since Gram is no longer with me.  Anyway, I liked that one better because it didn't have wheels - no zooming out from under me.  It was light weight too, so I could have someone take it upstairs and then put on my side of the bed - there to help me get up and out of bed in the morning! That one looked like this: 

The last time I needed a walker was... I think in 2010 and it was around Christmas time. I decorated it with garland and battery operated twinkle lights! It was great fun. Well... as much fun as could be had! LOL

I'm on the way out of this flare-up, but it sure is taking longer this time...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Easing Out Of It

Today, I'm at a Level 2 - this is according to the Fibromyalgia Pain Scale by Carol J. Johnson, which can be found, HERE.

That's alright. I can ignore many things - pain included.  Yesterday was a different story.

Yesterday, I needed my prescribed muscle relaxers, Advil, a natural muscle relaxer, ice, pillows and a gel stick from "The Happy Hempsters" (I think).  It took all day to get about 2.5 hours of relief; at which point it started up again. Fortunately, but that time I was at home and took a heavy dose sleeping pill.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pain Scale by Carol J. Johnson

Fibromyalgia Pain Scale

When you go to your doctors, one of the first things they will ask you is: "On a scale of 1-10, where is your pain level?" But they fail to give you any degree of pain measurements to go by, so our support group has come up with our version of the Pain Scale.

Level 1: You experience very minor pain in parts of your body. You don't have to take any pain medications and you can do your work with no problems.

Level 2: The minor pain has increased to dull aches in some parts of your body. You don't have to take medication and you still can work as usual but you don't want people 'in your face'!

Level 3: Your minor pain is strong enough to get your attention. You resort to Over the Counter medications. You are getting grouchy now.

Level 4: Now you can only ignore the pain if you are involved in activities at work or home. You are taking more Over the Counter medications but they don't last long. You begin to cut back on your activities in favor of just sitting down.

Level 5: You can't ignore this pain for more than an hour, even with Over the Counter Medications. You cut back of all activities except the most important ones. Work is possible, just barely.

Level 6: You simply can not. Ignore your pain for even a few minutes. But with prescription pain medications you have limited functioning abilities.

Level 7: This level of pain is the kind that keeps you awake at night, makes it hard to think and act. Your prescription medication only dulls the pain for a short time,. You limit your activities in order of importance. You really can't work well.

Level 8: This is serious pain. You don't want to do anything or be bothered by anyone. You have taken so much pain medication you are unable to fully concentrate on anything, Work is out of the question.

Level 9: Very serious pain here. You can not concentrate on anything but pain. You should not do business transactions or make any important decisions because of your limited mental state. You might want to give some one Power of Attorney. You can not go to work and you shouldn't drive a car. At this point you begin withdrawing from the world around you.

Level 10: Pain has made you totally unable to function. You don't want to deal with or talk to anyone. Even with narcotic pain medications you are still in horrible pain. You go to bed or go to the emergency room for any help you can get.

This is how we have divided the pain scale into a workable reference guide for our group and our medical staff. We hope you can use this as a guide when you visit your doctor and have to describe your pain. Our optimal goal of course, is to stay with in the range of 1-4 or even to get to PAIN LEVEL 0, which is NO PAIN!

By Carol J.Johnson
Link to Carol J. Johnson's article.

Pain Scale for Fibromyalgia

The ORIGINAL article can be found here. 
Disclaimer: This isn't written by me! It was written my a lady named Paula, so SHE was the one that designed this pain scale. It's really rather helpful!

Pain Scale for Fibromyalgia
I designed this pain scale as a tool to help the Fibromyalgia patient clearly communicate to his/her doctor the pain levels that he/she is experiencing.
I hope this helps you because at some point in treating my Fibromyalgia, a doctor asked me to put a number value on my pain levels. One thing that we do know is that pain is subjective. What I think of as an 8 and what you think of as an 8 may or may not be the same.
I was really having a hard time assigning a number to my pain levels, so I made this pain scale. I took it to my doctor who received it well. From that point on, she seems to really understand my pain levels now and we have had much better success treating them.
Frequently, I see people whose doctors don't seem to be taking their pain levels seriously. I hope that this pain scale can help everyone get the relief they need by helping the doctors "see" what we are feeling.
(Written by Paula on the ‘Clouds’ message board.)

Please note: This is the pain level that is experienced AFTER taking the daily medication prescribed by your doctor. 0 Pain free. 1 Very minor annoyance - mild aches to some parts of the body. No pain medication needed. 2 Minor annoyance- dull aches to some parts of the body. No pain medication needed. 3 Annoying enough to be distracting. Over-the-counter pain relievers (such as Naproxen or topical treatments such as Arthritis Pain relieving rubs) take care of it. 4 Can be ignored if you are really involved in your work, but still distracting. Over-the-counter pain relievers remove pain for 3-4 hours. 5 Can’t be ignored for more than 30 minutes. Over-the-counter pain relievers help somewhat (bring pain level from 5 to a 3 or 4) with pain for 3-4 hours. 6 Can’t be ignored for any length of time but you can still go to work and participate in social activities. Stronger painkillers (such as Ultram) relieve pain for 3-4 hours. 7 Makes it difficult to concentrate, interferes with sleep. You can still function with effort. Stronger painkillers (such as Ultram) are only partially effective. (Stronger pain killers bring pain from a 7 to a 4-6 level.) 8 Physical activity severely limited. You can read and converse with effort. Stronger painkillers (such as Ultram) are not effective. (Narcotic painkillers do bring this pain down to a level 3 or lower level.) 9 Non functional for all practical purposes. Cannot concentrate. Physical activity halted. Panic sets in. (Narcotic painkillers bring the pain level down from 9 to the 4-6 level.) 10 Totally non-functional. Unable to speak. Crying out or moaning uncontrollably - near delirium.

On a Scale of 1-10

Where am I today on the pain scale?

At a fuckin' 12 -

Seriously, they need an adult version for the stupid little pain scale model. You know that one with the smiley faces turning into angry faces? I'm not angry, I'm in PAIN! There needs to be a face with tears running down the face, mouth wide open like it's screaming or one with a conversation bubble over it dropping the F-bomb.

0:  Hi.  I am not experiencing any pain at all.  I don't know why I'm even here.

1:  I am completely unsure whether I am experiencing pain or itching or maybe I just have a bad taste in my mouth.

2:  I probably just need a Band Aid.

3:  This is distressing.  I don't want this to be happening to me at all.

4:  My pain is not fucking around.

5:  Why is this happening to me??

6:  Ow.  Okay, my pain is super legit now.

7:  I see Jesus coming for me and I'm scared.   

8:  I am experiencing a disturbing amount of pain.  I might actually be dying.  Please help.

9:  I am almost definitely dying.

10:  I am actively being mauled by a bear.

11: Blood is going to explode out of my face at any moment.

That would help alleviate some pain right there! It would give us something to laugh about!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 Days Into August...

It's only seven days into August and I'm on a 4-day flare up. Not really too bad, but enough to slow me down.  On day 1 I was so medicated, on an empty stomach, that I would sway.  On day 2, I couldn't get up from the couch without my walker.  On day 3 parts hurt everywhere. Today, day 4, I hurt everywhere that didn't hurt yesterday! LOL

It's my own fault - too much sugary drinks lately. Tonight I said, "Fuck it!" and actually ate two smallish pieces of crust from my pizza. The other pieces I skipped the crust.  I was going to fast this week - guess I'll start tomorrow! LOL

Time to medicate and go find the recliner.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

July Woes 2012

My July 2012 was filled with health issues...

Sore spot on old c-section scar.

Tenderness all over




Abnormal PAP results



Transvaginal scope

Lumps, bumps, bruising and more

Masses vs. cysts

Cancer scare

Sleepless nights


Pain days


A few pounds heavy

Tenderness at the waistband

Fibromyalgia hot spots

Gluten issues




July ended with a praise report...

No cancer

Still the tender body issues

Now the medical bills issues

Always the praise.

For it wasn't this ~ It would be something else.

I'll take this.

Thank you, Lord.